If you find my site useful feel free to show your appreciation and buy me a cup of tea:
This is my little home on the web, here you can find info on things ranging from my computers to my projects, to my plans for world domination.
This website features a Blank Page according to the recommendations of the TPILB-Project.
Updated Article: Adventures in Wine Making - Light Elderberry
The adventure concludes: As the Light Elderberry Wine is now ready.
Read more.
New Article: Adventures in Charcuterie - Bresaola
A new adventure begins, exploring charcuterie. Starting with
New Article: Adventures in Wine Making - Sloe Gin
The adventure continues with
Sloe Gin.
New Article: Adventures in Wine Making - Sloe Wine
The adventure continues with
Sloe Wine.
New Article: Adventures in Wine Making - Light Elderberry wine
The adventure continues , this time a
Light Elderberry wine.
New Article: WhereIsKitty - the code
Article and Code behind WhereIsKitty
WhereIsKitty - The Code.
This list only displays the most recent 6 updates, for a full list of site changes see the Update Log. An RSS feed for this site can be found Here.